Life Size Model Deer / Reindeer Model
Monarch Of The Glen Stag Model
This real life size fibreglass deer model is guaranteed to turn heads whether placed in rural or urban settings.
A model of our largest land mammal, the proud Stag figure is delivered with a resplendent summer coat of reddish brown, complete with a white chest.
The statue can also pass as a life size reindeer model – so is ideal as a prop for christmas events, retail sales or window displays .
The large, highly branched antlers on the Stag ensure the model deer stands almost 240cm high.
The antlers are detachable to eliminate any possible mishap when moving the animal model.
The deer model in this illustration is obviously undercover….
Deer Me
The model is sculpted on a full size adult deer , and weighs around 40kg.
The fibreglass deer stag model has great appeal for country and forestry estates, outdoor activity centres, recreational deer stalking events, department stores, hotels, restaurants, outdoor catering firms, cafes, deer centres, coffee shops etc. In fact, any business promoting venison should seriously consider the use of this fibreglass deer or reindeer model.
He is very robust and durable ; making him equally suitable for indoor or outdoor use. If displayed outside, we would recommend that a coat of exterior varnish is used, just to provide extra protection from the elements.
Model Animal Turfboard

Turfboard for moving animals around
The Deer Model is extremely well balanced and stable , however for added security, he has metal lugs moulded into each of the hooves. These allow the fibreglass animal to be secured to any surface, if necessary.
We recommend using metal tent pegs when fixing to a soft surface such as grass; while using bolts or screws on a solid surface .
Alternatively, we can supply a wooden “skateboard” or trolley with fitted brakes. This allows the model to be wheeled around more easily. To complete the look, the “skateboard” is covered in artificial turf – transforming it into a turfboard ; thereby making the deer look more at home in the countryside…
We are frequently asked to supply just the model deer antlers, and so endeavour to keep an additional stock of these. The antlers are extremely natural in appearance. See more information below.
The length of the fibreglass antlers is 95cm approx from base to tip.
Venison Restaurant
Mac & Wild are a group of Scottish restaurants bringing the finest of Scottish produce to diners in London – from steak to venison.
They take pride in advertising as an off-road adventure celebrating Highland hospitality. In order to reinforce this message to customers, they took delivery of a couple of Deer Stag Models which stand proudly at the entrances to the venison eateries.
Looking the part; these two large deer have already appeared in short videos featuring Scottish Rugby Internationalists Greig Laidlaw & Jim Hamilton, which can be viewed on their Facebook Page.
Blue Stag Model
A Welsh Design Agency came looking for a customised Blue Stag Deer Statue to act as a figurehead for their brand.
They decided that our stag model would be the perfect fit.
The fibreglass Deer Statue was customised with the same Pantone Colour as used throughout all the agency`s printed material; thereby ensuring continuity of the brand.
Stag Party
Extremely realistic, the model deer stands out (and blends in) throughout parkland, forestry or any conditions resembling natural habitat.
The deer is an added attraction to any country estate, farm attraction, parkland or garden centre – especially when placed in a strategic position.
Unlike its` live counterparts who often come in conflict with farmers and foresters due to grazing of tree shoots and agricultural crops, it will come as no surprise for you to learn that this fibreglass animal causes no damage and is not an endangered species!
And although, live deer Stags roar and grunt during the rut (breeding season) we promise that the model supplied makes no such noises.
Xmas Card Models
Top London photographer, Jim Fenwick, was entrusted with the task of shooting the Company Xmas Card for the Saatchie Advertising Agency.
His brief was simply to come up with something creative:
“I came across your website while searching for a realistic deer.Your stag fitted the bill perfectly.
The animal was so true to life, crowds gathered near Regent Street to have their pictures taken with it.
The deer actually became a real celebrity in its` own right, and the clients were absolutely delighted with the final results….”
Jim Fenwick
The World Of Hermes
One of our deer models received a complete makeover from top set designer Shona Heath; when fashion house Hermes awarded her the contract of producing their instore catalogue.
The abstract set depicted top model Stella Tennant, who was photographed by Tim Walker .
This picture of the deer featured in the Hermes catalogue, which customers were able to pick up in any one of their stores.
Apparently the deer failed to make a guest appearance at an “end of shoot” party… !
John Lewis Window Display
In order to complete the John Lewis window display in time for Xmas, we supplied a number of pairs of model deer antlers , for Santa`s reindeer.
These were subsequently sprayed silver in keeping with the festive theme; then attached to the eight deer which had been specially sculpted to pull Santa`s sledge.
Rudolph, Prancer, Dancer and the rest were then properly attired in time for the christmas rush….
“Many thanks for getting the antlers to us so quickly.”
Our animal props and models can be found not only across the UK; but widespread over all the continents. And the uses of the models is so varied. This is perfectly illustrated in the gallery where individual clients mix with zoos, science museums, marketing companies, dairy businesses, cheese companies, charities and children`s farm attractions.
These 3D Deer or Stag models will not only enhance your stand at a trade-show or exhibition; but will have huge impact for any farm-shop, coffee shop, fashion event, photoshoot or animal-feed store looking for a unique method to advertise.
The high quality of the detail in the modelling, would fit into any woodland, countryside or farm yard setting, themed area or in shops, businesses, pubs, restaurants, adventure golf courses, theme parks or even in your own garden.
We recommend that all the animal models which are going to be used outdoors be coated with a transparent gloss of UV resistant varnish, but we would advise where possible placing the models inside during winter months.