Our clients include dairies, cheese companies, ice cream parlours, farm diversification schemes, agricultural suppliers, farm attractions, adventure parks and other tourist destinations.
The life size model milking cow is our own design; and is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Nowadays many children assume that milk originates from a carton or bottle, and that cows resemble the cartoon versions on television or the internet.
Historically , school visits to dairy farms would previously have shown kids otherwise.

BBC One Show with Phil Tufnell & model milking cow at Longforgan Primary School
However, health and safety regulations involving compulsary risk assessments have provided major disincentives, and made it increasingly difficult for farmers to become involved in such educational programmes.
So farmers cannot be blamed for nervously checking their insurance cover , prior to any farm visits.

Kids Milking the Model Cow
As an educational tool , the Life Size Model Milking Cow is the perfect solution – not only do kids get a realistic idea of the scale and shape of the animal, but the rubber teats closely resemble the real thing. Add the interactive fun aspect of milking ; and kids are hooked.
Ideal for farm parks, agricultural shows, ice cream parlours, caravan parks, zoos, farm attractions and city farms ; the Milking Cow Model has proven to be a massive hit at these types of venue. Staff can fill her up, then relax in the knowledge that no-one will get kicked, stood on, or made a mess of. And at the same time, children can marvel at the scale and highly efficient operation of an animal which has been around for a very long time.

Oliver milking the cow model
To milk the cow, rubber teats must be used properly to produce a steady flow of liquid. A 50 litre tank inside the animal stores the “milk”.
Squeeze and not pull – is the advice given.
We have found the assistance of an expert with experience in milking the “live versions” is invaluable for kids to learn. And there never seems to be a shortage of volunteers…
PLEASE NOTE : As extremely minimal feeding and watering is required, the energy efficient model Milking Cow is guaranteed not to kick, bite or make a mess. Thereby minimising any insurance problems, avoiding methane gas pollution and eliminating her carbon footprint.
ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOW, Ingliston, Edinburgh
Müller (formerly Robert Wiseman Dairies) have retained the services of Bella the Milking Cow on their stand @ The Royal Highland Show since 2003 as an educational and marketing tool for their expansive business. She is never short of admirers, and has proved to be an overwhelming success during that time.

Bella the Life Size Model Milking Cow at the Royal Highland Show
So much so, that one year, another famous model Nell McAndrew , assisting Bella on the stand, was heard to remark that she did not realise she would have such strong competition.
Bella can be seen in operation every June on her Stand at The Royal Highland Showground, Ingliston, Edinburgh.
“Our Milking Cow goes down an absolute storm in terms of an attraction – the kids are fascinated, and the farming community are equally impressed.
In terms of practicality the only problem really is the high volume of kids we have using her – it really tests the durability of her equipment !” *
Joanne Rae : Marketing Manager, Robert Wiseman Dairies
We can happily state that all the parts on the milking cow are extremely durable and hardwearing. However, spares are always readily available should they require replacing.
The huge success of Bella the Milker prompted The Royal Highland Education Trust to approach Wiseman Dairies (now Müller) , for assistance in purchasing her younger sister “Mabel”.
She entertains visitors on the RHET stand @ The Royal Highland Show as well as being an integral part of their educational programme .
The parents who bring along their children invariably end up milking the animal themselves…

Mabel the Model Milking Cow on the RHET Stand at the Royal Highland Show
“Mabel” has gone on to prove to be a major attraction for RHET ; so much so, that another 6 branches of Royal Highland Education Trust have purchased similar model milking cows.
During the season, Mabel the Milking Cow and her sisters go on tour to a wide variety of events all over the country. They appear at regional agricultural shows, International Sheepdog Trials, Country Fairs, and even at the Festival Theatre in Pitlochry where the WRI National Conference included an element called “Fund a Farm”.
All of our life-size animal models are made of fibre-glass; coated with a high quality polyester resin. These classy life size cattle models are our most popular range.
Our agricultural background; which has involved a lifetime of working with real livestock; including dairy and beef cattle ; has proved invaluable. Using the real models running around the fields on the family farm as models, has ensured accuracy when designing our own life size replica cows.

Nescafe Model Milking Cow at Dalston Show
Based on the ideal milking cow, the fully functioning model milking cow has the closest resemblance to any real bovine in the world. Please take time to compare our cow models to others; and you will see quite clearly that they are far superior in terms of size, detail and conformation. Check out the dimensions …. others are only a fraction of the size and scale, of real dairy cows.

Girls milking the model cow
Our life-size standing model cow comes in two positions; either head-up or grazing with her head down. Through experience with plastic cows over the past two decades; we specify as standard, metal spars moulded under the hooves; between the front and back legs. This provides far greater strength, as well as added security; since holes are bored through the spars in order to peg or bolt down the cow model onto any surface.
There is also a lying-down cow model, and a lying down cow bench model, which have metal lugs attached underneath to allow the models to be secured down onto any surface.

Jersey Cow Bench Model
These two are identical fibre glass models – apart from the seating area moulded out of the bench version. We have recently added a Highland Cow Bench Model to the range. More examples of the Highland Cow Bench Model can be found in the gallery.
In addition, there`s a calf model which looks great on its own; or ideal as a companion to other cattle models in order to produce a family bovine group. We are frequently requested to customise or modify the model calf for clients.

Roly`s Fudge Model Calf
We supply the cow models as standard Friesian or Holstein cattle; or simply plain white – so that you can paint your own. However should you wish another breed of cattle or even totally different design, branding or modification; our artist will be only too happy to work to your brief. Various examples can be found in the Gallery. The length of lead time is dependent on what work is required; however we are accustomed to working to deadlines.
As standard; the bull models are available to order in black, black and white, and brown and white.
However these model bulls can easily be customised according to your design or brief like the one below.

Bull Model on the beach
Our models can be found not only across the UK; but widespread over all the continents. And the uses of the models is so varied. This is perfectly illustrated in the gallery where individual clients mix with zoos, science museums, marketing companies, dairy businesses, agricultural suppliers, cheese companies, charities and children`s farm attractions.
These 3D model cows will not only enhance your stand at a trade-show or exhibition; but will have huge impact for any farm-shop, restaurant, coffee shop or animal-feed store looking for a unique method to advertise.
The high quality of the detail in the animal modelling, would fit into any woodland, countryside or farm yard setting, themed area or in shops, businesses, pubs, restaurants, cheese shop, adventure golf courses, theme parks or even in your own garden.
We recommend that all the animal models which are going to be used outdoors be coated with a transparent coat of UV resistant varnish. However, we would advise where possible, placing the models inside during winter months.