Sheep Model Facing to Left
Beautiful Model Sheep
The life size model sheep are robust and durable . They are constructed of fibreglass resin and really stand out from the flock .
The models are high quality, resilient and sculpted with great detail. Properly looked after, the sheep models will provide great pleasure to be viewed upon for many years to come.
Model Sheep behaviour

As with all our life size model animals, these sheep figures are extremely realistic, and so lend themselves to being used in a variety of situations .
The realism is demonstrated by the fact that these rather large polled Dorset rams; called Jayzee, TexMex and Kir Royal; are all convinced that “Delilah” the ewe is the Kate Moss of the sheep world.
Sheep Markings
The models are normally supplied ready painted in standard “sheep” white . However, the wool can also be customised by our in-house artist, or clients themselves using standard acrylic paint and a little bit of imagination.
These two brightly coloured sheep models were customised for a young 7 year old client who wanted a unique birthday present.
Sheep News
The uses of the sheep models are wide and varied . So whether you need our sheepy lovelies to appear as film props, attend film premieres or be found bopping around pop concerts ; they are the perfect woolly marketing tools. In addition they can also promote businesses within the woollen industry; from carpets to knitware. And they are ideal models to use to market farm shops, feed merchants, agricultural suppliers or as demonstration models for animal eartagging companies.
Knowing me, knowing ewe

Theatre performances and exhibitions have benefited from our model sheep doppelgangers. Interestingly a number of clients have purchased the model sheep to adorn their grass covered roofs on contemporary properties which they have had built.
And of course the sheep models can provide an unusual gift or present.
Looking Sheepish

These great sheep figures are suitable for indoor or outdoor use .We do however recommend that all animal models which are going to be used outdoors be given a protective coat of clear lacquer or exterior varnish .
Please remember that although the sheep models are relatively tough, they are designed to be used as props, not to be ridden on by exuberant children …
Our life-size model sheep comes in three positions; either facing straight ahead, sheep model looking left or sheep model lying down. These can be used as group (flock !) or would make an ideal addition to your collection of farm animals. This is an animal model / prop which we frequently have requests to modify for various clients.
We supply the lamb, sheep and goat models as standard grey or white. However should you wish a totally different design, branding or modification; our artist will be only too happy to work to your brief. Various examples can be found in the Gallery.
Length of lead times obviously depend on what is required; however we are well used to working to deadlines; so please just ask.
Our models can be found not only across the UK; but widespread over all the continents. And the uses of the models is so varied. This is perfectly illustrated in the gallery where individual clients mix with heritage centres, agricultural organisations, zoos, science museums, marketing companies, dairy businesses, cheese companies, charities and children`s farm attractions.
The surfaces of the 3D model lamb, sheep and goats have a lovely textured resin finish which will not only make a great feature as a POS model. The animal props would also enhance your stand at a trade-show or exhibition; and have a huge impact for any farm-shop, coffee shop, animal-feed store looking for a unique method to advertise or promote your Goat’s milk or cheese.
The high quality of the detail in the modelling, would fit into any woodland, countryside or farm yard setting, themed area or in shops, businesses, pubs, restaurants, adventure golf courses, theme parks or even in your own garden.
We recommend that all the animal models which are going to be used outdoors be coated with a transparent gloss of UV resistant varnish, but we would advise where possible placing the models inside during winter months.