Grazing Around
The grazing cow model gives the perfect impression of a bovine at her happiest; eating. The cow is ideal for situations or events which require the model to provide the appearance of foraging or consuming a product. So for animal feed companies or agricultural businesses seeking to make an impact or attracting attention, the grazing cow would be great solution. Additionally, our artist can also brand or customise the cow according to your design brief.
Model Cattle range
All of our life-size animal models are made from extra strong fibre glass; and finished with a thick coating of high quality polyester resin. The excellent life size cattle models are one of our most popular ranges. As dairy farmers with lifelong experience of working with real dairy cattle, we felt qualified to design the life size replica cows. Especially as we still have ready made real models running around the fields on the family farm.
Based on the ideal milking cow, their resemblance is the closest to any real bovine in the world. Please take time to compare our cow models to others on the internet; and you will see quite clearly that they are far superior in terms of size, detail and confirmation.
True Scale and Conformation
Check out the measurements – others are only a fraction of the size and scale of real dairy cows. Our life-size standing model cow comes in two positions; either head-up or grazing with her head down.

Model Cow Group in Denmark
Extra strength and Security as standard
Through experience with plastic cows over almost 20 years; and unlike other inferior cattle models; a feature which we now specify as standard is metal spars moulded between the front and back legs. This provides far greater strength, as well as added security. Holes are bored through the spars in order to peg or bolt down the cow model onto any surface.
There is also a lying-down cow model, and a lying down Highland Cow bench, which have metal lugs attached underneath to be used to secure the models onto the ground.
Calf Model
In addition, there`s a calf model which is great on its own; or ideal as a companion to other cattle models to make a family cow group. This is an animal model which we are frequently requested to customise for various clients; from cheese emporiums to sweetie shops.

Calf Model at St.Andrews with bespoke World Map for a customer who liked to travel.
Other Cow Models
We supply the cow models as standard Friesian or Holstein cattle or simply plain white – so that you can paint your own. However should you wish another breed of cattle or even totally different design, branding or modification; our artist will be only too happy to work to your brief. Various examples can be found in the Gallery. Length of lead times obviously depend on what is required; however we are well used to working to deadlines; so please just ask.
Bull Model
Likewise the bull models are available to order in black, black and white and brown and white.
Our models can be found not only across the UK; but widespread over all the continents. And the uses of the models is so varied. This is perfectly illustrated in the gallery where individual clients mix with zoos, science museums, marketing companies, dairy businesses, television companies, film producers, cheese companies, charities and children`s farm attractions.

TV Presenter Adam Henson & 3D Life Size Model Bull crossing Union Street, Aberdeen
These 3D model cattle will not only enhance your stand at a trade-show or exhibition; but will have a huge impact for any farm-shop, coffee shop, animal-feed store looking for a unique method to advertise.
The high quality of the detail in the modelling, would fit into any woodland, countryside or farm yard setting, themed area or in shops, businesses, pubs, restaurants, adventure golf courses, theme parks or even in your own garden.
We recommend that all the animal models which are going to be used outdoors be coated with a transparent gloss of UV resistant varnish, but we would advise where possible placing the models inside during winter months.